no, i am no where close to being ready for Christmas. I have bought preciously 6 gifts of many to still create or buy...still waiting for two to arrive...no make that 4 to arrive....no tree yet, no wreath on the door only three window candle lights that actually work....and still two more days to babysit classes. at this point that is what we are doing at every school across the nation . so i'm trying to get into the mood. my computer died last weekend ;( but has now been fixed and returned...thanks apple people! but my photoshop and office are gone. waiting for someone in my department to find the disks of our CS3!!!! i better be installing both tomorrow!!!! or heads will roll!!!! its good to be the queen! kiddin' all. My new mixer arrived today!!! Burnt orange! tomight continues beer drinking cookie making...again. trying to get into the mood. Patrick promises tomorrow we will get the tree! Plus out for more Shopping. Julie has the twins! a boy eli, and girl, ada. Can't wait to see pictures!
so here are some pics that i could find on my other hard drive that could fit on line to share. THose were the days of Christmas!