Jan 19, 2013

Sketchbook Project #3 for Me!

I did it again!!! Yes, I have, like the million of others out there, I have neglected my blog! The place where I divulged all of my stories and secrets and update people I know, and don't know, all about me! yeah, yeah, yeah...I could promise to do better, but I'm sure you all are of tired of hearing that one! But, better news, I also completed my third sketchbook for the sketchbook project. This time, I had a plan, as oppose to a given title. I went back to MICA for its open studio session this past fall so that I could draw the model every Tuesday night from 7-10. Missing only two nights, thanks to too much school ( my real job) and the holiday craft season ( my second job). Then I took all of the studies and drawings I did  and then I crafted them into a variety of places, spaces and landscapes that I was feeling at the time. SO here are my favorites: