i finally got to my first baltimoreetsy meeting and i was very impressed by the positive and productive energy of this BEST crew. as small as i thought Baltimore was, i did not know any of these women besides through avatars, emails and posts to our Google groups.i knew of their amazing work, but not them personally....and i have to say, i was so happy to meet a new group of people that i am so excited to work with and get to know. all you have to do is go to the Baltimore etsy blog and you will see what I mean. Part of the membership is posting to this blog once a month. i wanted to contribute in a way i know will keep it interesting , selfishly for me , but also in a way that i could get to know our members better. so, i resort to one of my favorite blogs, design*sponge who features sneak peeks of designer's homes and studios. my voyeur appeal loves checking in every week for a new sneak peak. so i thought i would do the same for the baltimore etsy group. so i figure i would do some brainstorming here. My cousin Cathi and I went to art school together and have tried to keep up with our artwork and keep in touch with our artistic souls..when Cathi started working at St. Agnes Hospital for her Dad and starting having children, I remember her telling me , that even though she didn't have time to paint much anymore, she at lease could arrange her refrigerator in an artistic way. so this is my motivating quote..how we design our homes and organize what we have in our homes in artistic & creative compositions.
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