Jun 9, 2008

Monday Memories.....a hot hot summer

They're calling for temps over 100 degrees today. Its been hot as hell this past weekend. We tried to see how long we could go before putting the window AC units in and we lasted till Sunday afternoon. We got out of school 3 hours early! That was a big plus. So I thought I would come home and get started on one of my big projects for the summer. I have all of our family slides to scan in and make up some books and post on my flicker account. Thought I would get my family to start posting on a family flicker account. I loved it when Dad would get out the slide projector and show slides. The lights would go down, the blue light of the projector would shine, and we would all pray that each slide would easily go through towards the projected slot with the big delight of the past being shined up for all to see and smile and laugh and remember. Not fun when the slide got stuck in the projector and Dad's temper would flair up. I think Dad's career in guidance counseling devoted all of his patience to humans, and not for mechanical equipment. So I thought, on this steaming hot day, in which I am so tempted to hook up the sprinkler and run through...I present my memories of cool water! Most of these are from 1969...except for the one of my sister, Denise and I and Allison at the pool which is more like '72 and the one of Denise and I at Jenny Lake, in the Grand Tetons.. which was '75.

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