so i remember this now...spending hours and hours in the studio
smell of turpentine
paint on my hands
sticky medium
how this is what i got that painting degree for
started the morning buying fabric first.i need to make more aprons for crafty bastard application
found some good finds at the local fabric crafty store believe it or not
a vintage fabric design section
i needed some cheaper fabric to use with my more expensive fabrics I found on line
going to sew tonight
will show when done
my aprons are my homage to my grand mother who died this past spring.
i want to capture the elegance that she brought to the daily apron
to any of my family members out there
i need pics of nanny for my book...i want to make a recipe picture book
of my nanny and her great cooking
another project down the line
one of these days i will learn to just relax over my summer vacation
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