So I've been on a bit of a vacation in the painting department. I paint in my classroom when I have to model and demonstrate various paintings and drawing skills and techniques, and that helps to keep my eye in shape. But after my show at salt, i've switched my studio into a sweatshop and haven't painted for a bit. jennyjen42 does a great job of keeping me happy in the creativity field. In fact I feel even more productive in "making" products. I love the creative process of figuring out how my products can be made stronger, with a higher level of craftsmanship while keeping the jennyjen in them. This doesn't mean I'm through with painting. I just got so tired of not selling any of my work, and not receiving much feedback. In comparison, I sell jennyjen products as well as receive lots of compliments and feedback. Jennyjen items are very people friendly. My paintings can possess secrets from my inner soul. I really don't want the secrets to get out. I simply want my audience to view, react and hopefully find themselves in them. So, to motivate myself I re sized the digitals I had made from my scanned slides and posted them in my flicker account . I love to visit my paintings once in a while, remembering what was going through my life at that time, as well as the music I was listening to and the artist that influenced me through this periods. Hopefully, we will get my painting studio up and running in the new location of my basement once the winter blues go away! Check put my work here
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